Acceptance speech by newly elected INFOCTESS President


The Chairperson, HOD, Chief Patroness, Lecturers present, out-going executives, fellow students, invited guests, ladies, and gentlemen;

It is with great pride, honour, and a sense of duty that I accept the mantle of INFOCTESS Presidency. I would like to congratulate the outgoing President Mr. Emmanuel Bimpong and his team for their commendable efforts, dedication, and commitment in ensuring that members of the society were able to navigate the past year successfully, despite the challenges faced. Well done and Ayekoo!

Madam Chairperson, We receive this mantle and baton in the symbolism of a new journey ahead; a race to meet the expectations of the various stakeholders of this office, especially the honorable members of the society who have through their overwhelming support and vote, reposed confidence in myself and other incoming executives, to steer the affairs of this noble association for the upcoming year. This is not a position that we take lightly, neither do we count the electoral victory as the end of the battle. As I mentioned and emphasised throughout my campaign, we are RAISING THE STANDARD, in our local dialect “Y3 PAGYA MU”; this is the dawn of a new era; an era of new ideas, new initiatives, and an open-door policy with the view to ensuring that members have the best of experiences as they go about their academic work.

On a day like this, many words can be spoken, but I pride myself in being a man of action and not mere words. As such, we would like to end here and take the opportunity to appreciate our chief patroness, with the little encounter we have had so far, she is a wonderful person and a mother to us, we do not take your counsel for granted. Thank you all for your audience and for the support and confidence you have placed in us. we will not let you down.

Thank you for the opportunity given Madam Chairperson,


God bless the ICT Department  

God bless UEW.


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